
Tips for starting a new job remotely

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So, you’ve secured the job, received your start date but instead of planning your commute to your new office, you’re preparing your working from home space.

Starting a new job remotely may be challenging and a completely new process for many businesses and new employees but you can still make a great first impression from the comfort of your own home.

It may seem difficult to introduce yourself to colleagues and understand your new company’s culture and management styles virtually, but it is still possible.

Here are a few tips to help you make a good start in your new job while working from home:


Introduce yourself

Hopefully you may already have some team introductions set up for you, however try and reach out to your new co-workers and arrange discussions so you can get to know them and understand what they do on a day-to-day basis. Find out what modes of communication your team uses to interact with each other, this could be through video calls, emails and instant messaging too. Once you’ve established what these are, it will allow you to introduce yourself, open up more conversations and get to know your colleagues. It’s important to be as visible as possible, especially while starting a new job and working from home. To do this, continue conversations throughout the week, schedule check-ins with your manager and co-workers and see what you can do to support them in your new role.


Ask questions

This may seem obvious but don’t be discouraged from asking as many questions as you need to. This could be anything from technical issues to work day schedules. Your new team is there to support you during this process, so make the most of this and sort out any queries or problems you have as soon as they arise.


Create a routine

Try and establish your work from home expectations as soon as possible, this should include your expected working hours. Remember to take regular breaks while working from home, it is easy to spend more time working when your office is also your home and especially when starting a new job, however you do not want to burn yourself out. Find a routine that works for you, your new job may offer some flexibility with start/finish times so consider what structure would work best for you while working from home.

If you don’t already have one, make sure you prepare your WFH space before you start your new job. This should be somewhere you can comfortably sit throughout the day and ideally by yourself. If you can, avoid this area when you are not working, including during breaks, as this will help you to form your working day structure. Also, by managing distractions and creating boundaries from day one, you will be able to form an effective routine to help you settle into your new job.


Keep track of accomplishments and queries

Writing lists of day-to-day tasks can help you to build your routine and boost productivity. Additionally, consider writing daily bullet point lists of tasks that you have accomplished throughout the day so you can keep track of what you have been doing. Plus, you can also include any queries and issues that have occurred to remind yourself to follow them up. This will be particularly helpful to refer to before check-ins with your manager and co-workers.


Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

As expected, making a great first impression and settling into a new job would be a lot easier in the office for many people, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself for it to be perfect. If you remain positive, do the best you can to adapt and ensure you put in as much effort as you usually would, you will make a great start in your new job.


Good luck!


For tips on how to stay productive while working from home, click here.

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