
How to stay productive while working from home

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With more employees working from home due to the Covid-19 outbreak, many people are having to adapt to a new way of working.

Working from home may not be new for some, but for the majority, working from home for the foreseeable future may take a while to get used to. With that in mind, it’s important to put yourself in the best possible position to carry on business as usual away from the office and ensure you stay productive and motivated throughout the working day.

In order to make the most out of your day while working remote and away from fellow colleagues, we have shared some of our top tips:


Set up a designated work station

This doesn’t have to be a full office desk with multiple desktops, but somewhere substantial where you can comfortably sit for the majority of the day with limited distractions. Try and avoid working from beds and sofas, as comfortable as they may be, they could affect your posture and they are places to go to before/after work or during breaks to relax. Once you’ve set up your work station, it will help you to develop a structured routine and separate your working spaces from chilling out spaces.


Get ready for your day

Getting ready and dressed as normal for your working day will help you to maintain your day-to-day routine and yes, that means no PJs! For the majority, this doesn’t mean wearing a suit, but something that’s acceptable to wear for any video meetings you may have planned throughout the day.


Stick to a plan and continue normal working hours

Try and stick to your normal routine as much as possible, this includes waking up at the same time and working your usual hours for the day. To keep you on track, write a list of things you need to get done, either the day before or in the morning, as this will help to boost your productivity. At the end of the day, pack up and tidy your workstation and try and avoid this space until you are back to work the following day. If you’re living with others, it may be a good idea to create a signal so they are aware of when you are working and when you are not, so you can avoid any interruptions.


Communicate with colleagues

You might not be working in the same proximity as your colleagues but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t interact with them. Communication is as essential as ever during this time so try and check in with colleagues as much as possible. Optimise video tools, even if it means having a virtual coffee catch up to replicate what you would usually do in the office. A team group chat may even work for you so you can talk to multiple colleagues at the same time. Remember: a little hello can make a big difference to someone’s day.


Take regular breaks

While working from home with limited distractions, it’s easy to become submerged in your work and forget to look at the clock. Schedule in regular breaks for yourself, little and often, and plan out time for a lunch break. It may be worthwhile setting an alarm on your phone so you know when to get up and leave your desk. Plus, consider adding your one exercise a day to your to-do list if you can, even if it’s just going for little walk at lunch time to get some fresh air. This will stop you from sitting at your desk all day, so you can go away and come back refreshed and focused.


We hope you find our tips helpful, however everyone is different and it’s best to take time to find what works for you and build your own routine. If you have any other suggestions on what helps you to stay productive while working from home, we would love to hear them. Please contact us on: [email protected].


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