
Meet the Team: Michele Rielly, Operations Manager

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Welcome back to our Meet the Team series. Throughout this blog series, you’ll find out more about our team members, what they do at Devonshire, their individual working from home tips, plus much more…

Next in our series, we spoke to Michele Rielly, our Operations/Office Manager.


Tell us a bit about yourself, what do you do at Devonshire?

I am the Operations and Office Manager for Devonshire; this year I’ve made sure our virtual office has run smoothly and have previously been involved in many projects and implementing process improvements, such as a new CRM, website, reporting and onboarding.


What’s a typical day-in-the-life like for you at Devonshire?

My “new normal” day took some getting used to as I went from being 100% office-based to working 100% remote and becoming an Operations/Office Manager for a virtual office. I organise virtual events, training and catch-up meetings, and keep in regular contact with the team throughout the day and make sure they have everything they need to work remotely, whether it be a laptop that works, or a comfy home office set-up.

My usual day-to-day tasks include supporting our MD Sam as well as the Sales and Accounts teams. No two days can be the same, it’s a very busy role but I wouldn’t change that for anything!


What’s your top tip for working from home?

Keep a dedicated workspace, stay connected to your colleagues, set and stick to your working routine and take your breaks – if you can get out for a run (or walk in my case) or do an exercise class to switch off then even better!


What’s your favourite thing about your job?

My favourite part about my role is the team! We have a real family culture at Devonshire and my role is very much focused around the team and us all working as close as we would if we were in the office, so we like to celebrate the wins and good news with each other on our weekly catch-ups.

I manage, help, develop and motivate them whilst working remotely so that they have all the support and tools needed to carry out their roles.


What’s your biggest achievement at Devonshire so far?

I don’t have a biggest achievement, but many little ones! I have done two big office moves, three database changes and endless training to the team so I hope I have helped or taught each and every person I have worked with in some way.


A quote you live/work by…

I have a couple of favourites; ‘Don’t be busy, be productive’ and ‘if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours’.


Finally, describe yourself in 3 words…

I can’t think of just three, so here’s four: Wearer of many hats.


To find out more about our team and the sectors we work in, read our Meet the Team blog series here.



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