
Looking for a job after you’ve registered with recruiters

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We’re not so egotistical to think that your job hunt begins and ends with registering with Devonshire. While we’re doing our best to find the perfect role for you, you’re out there on the front lines, applying for jobs and presenting yourself to potential employers.

Here are our tips for job hunters:

Have multiple versions of your CV

CV’s aren’t a one-size-fits-all document. Your CV should be flexible, with sections that you can swap in and out in order to be as targeted as possible for the job you’re applying for. Your recruitment consultant may well ask you for a specific CV at short notice.

If you’re after more than one distinct type of job (perhaps you are looking for an office temp job to tide you over while you pursue your dream creative job), then you should have a completely different CV for each type of job you’re looking for.

Make sure that all the key information in your CV is easily visible

It sounds harsh, but most hiring managers or recruitment consultants can’t spend more than a few seconds on each CV before deciding whether the applicant is suited to the role. You’d better make sure that all the key words relating to your skills, experience and the sort of role you’re looking for are very easily visible.

Don’t leave an application too late

Even if a job ad says that the deadline is in a month, don’t wait too long to get your application in. If a recruitment agency is handling the role, they often submit applications as and when they come through, without waiting for the deadline date.

If a job has been advertised for a while, it would be a good idea to contact the employer or the recruitment agency to ask if the role’s still available before applying.

But don’t rush your application

The worst thing you can do is be in such a rush to apply for a role that you don’t check your application first. Make sure your cover letter doesn’t have the title of the previous job you applied for still on it! You should also give yourself a little time to look into the company you are applying for, and get the name of the hiring manager that you are applying to.

Consider volunteering

If you’re currently unemployed while you search for a job, you should consider volunteering, ideally within your chosen industry. It will close up a gap in your CV, and will also give you some extra experience. This will be especially useful if you’re looking for a role in the arts, media or charity sectors, or similarly competitive industries.

Write LinkedIn recommendations for some of your former/current colleagues

Many companies search LinkedIn for suitable candidates – we certainly do. One thing that looks great on your LinkedIn profile is recommendations, but asking for them is just a bit cheeky. However, if you write recommendations for people you’ve worked with, they’ll be quite likely to write one for you in return. Just make sure that they’re people you’ve worked with closely, and who will be able to write you a personal recommendation that touches upon your particular skills.

Find the best job boards for your industry

If you’re looking for a creative or digital position, you should look at Creative Pool, The Guardian, Total Jobs, Reed, Design Week and Design Jobs Board.

For Print and Communications jobs, you’d be best off checking Reed, Total Jobs, Jobsite and Monster.

If Marketing and PR is your dream career, then check out Marketing Week, PR Week, Reed and The Guardian.

On top of all this, of course, you can register with us.

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