
International Women’s Day 2020

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To celebrate International Women’s Day on Sunday 8th March, we got to know some of the incredible women who work at Devonshire.

Read on to find out more about our team members, including who inspires them, their biggest achievements and their advice to their younger selves.

Happy International Women’s Day to all our clients, candidates, colleagues and friends!

Click here to find out more about the Devonshire team.


Michele Rielly – Operations Manager

What’s your biggest achievement in your career so far? 

I don’t have a biggest achievement, but many little ones! I have done 2 big office moves, 3 database changes and endless training to the team so I hope I have helped or taught each and every person in some way.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Follow your passion, even if it does not pay very well as money does not buy your happiness.

A quote you live/work by?

“Well behaved women rarely make history”

Who inspires you? 

I have lots of inspiring people in my life; my mum for pushing me to be the person I am today and my friends for loving me just for being me! And for supporting, motivating, encouraging and sometimes telling me off and putting me back into my place when needed!



Sheetal Shah – Director

What’s your biggest achievement in your career so far? 

Probably recruiting for a whole creative team at a well-known management consultancy from leadership through to junior members of staff.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t sweat the small stuff and look at the bigger picture.

A quote you live/work by?

Yes but I can’t say because it includes swear words…

Who inspires you? 

My mum, she ran a hospital whilst looking after 3 kids… How did she do it?



Amrit Kalsi – Contracts & Compliance Coordinator

What’s your biggest achievement in your career so far? 

For lasting 17 years in the one job, even though I was only supposed to be here for 1 year!

What advice would you give to your younger self?

To make the best of every opportunity that comes your way.

A quote you live/work by?

“To succeed, you must never give up on yourself”

Who inspires you? 

All the girls in my life! Mum for bringing up 4 girls and raising us all to be independent women and my sisters & friends for being my rocks, for lifting me up when I need support, for the laughter we share together and for helping me become the woman I am today.



Andreea Vomir – Recruitment Consultant

What’s your biggest achievement in your career so far? 

Being able to get a client on board after I was told it would be impossible to sign with them.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t be afraid to say “NO” to people.

A quote you live/work by?

“Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody”

Who inspires you? 

My mum, everything I’ve achieved so far is thanks to her unconditional love and support!



Aimee Wilson – Marketing Executive

What’s your biggest achievement in your career so far? 

I’d probably say building Devonshire’s social media presence and leading our website rebrand.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

To believe in myself and be confident in my own capabilities.

A quote you live/work by?

“Good things come to those who work for it”

Who inspires you? 

A lot of people; my family, friends and colleagues that I work and have worked with. They’re for different reasons but all of them have helped me become who I am today.



Jo Cameron – Recruitment Consultant

What’s your biggest achievement in your career so far? 

Taking a risk to leave a management role where I was doing really well and going into business with two ladies in a location we knew nothing about and generating a £2 million turnover business in 2 years.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

To apply myself to the work environment at an early age and mimic winning behaviours.

A quote you live/work by?

“Actions over words”

Who inspires you? 

I am inspired by individuals that have worked through difficult times, faced adversity and come out the other side shining.



Georgia Chevalier – Recruitment Consultant

What’s your biggest achievement in your career so far? 

Being praised by a client, who was completely unaware that I was only a few weeks into the job, for the help and service I delivered.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

What’s meant to be will be! There’s no need to worry because it all does work out in the end.

A quote you live/work by?

“Hard work, time and effort does pay off”

Who inspires you? 

My mum, she has a busy stressful schedule but never hesitates to put everyone before herself and is always there for me with support and encouragement when I need it most.



Veronika Vlahova – Financial Controller

What’s your biggest achievement in your career so far? 

I am proud of having achieved the FCCA status and qualification, having worked full time at some great companies, and raising 3 children at the same time.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Never doubt yourself that you can achieve something, once you have made up your mind and the fear of the unknown and the self-doubt is gone, you will get there.

A quote you live/work by?

“Always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals” – Michelle Obama

Who inspires you? 

Michelle Obama.


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